Saturday, August 24, 2019

Concept of culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Concept of culture - Essay Example â€Å"Culture is essential for the existence of a society, because it binds people together† (Kartha). Some of the major aspects of culture include social norms and values, language, religion, ceremonies and festivals, food, clothing, and arts and literature. Cultural relativity is an important concept related to culture. It means that any good or bad deed is related to the cultural norms and values. An action, which is socially approved in a culture, is good whereas an action, which is not approved in a culture, is a bad action. Almost all cultures tend to be ethnocentric in nature. The reason is that people belonging to any specific culture or society usually perceive things according to the perspective of their own cultures. For example, a person living in the Indian society will see every matter of life according to the mindset developed by Indian culture. He/she will not see any matter from the perspective of American or European culture. Therefore, we can say that cultur e not only influences the living style and mindset of people but also plays a considerable role in shaping behaviors and characteristics of the people living in any society. Works Cited Kartha, Deepa. â€Å"What is Culture.†, n.d. Web. 19 Jun. 2011.

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